


英国サザンプトン総合病院で実施されたこの二重盲検試験では、体重が10%以上減少した進行膵癌患者50例を対象とし、サリドマイド 200mgの1日1回投与またはプラセボ(偽薬)投与のいずれかの群に被験者を無作為に割り付け、体重および栄養状態の変化を観察しています。




【オリジナル論文の要旨:Gut. 2005;54(4):540-545. 】
Thalidomide in the treatment of cancer cachexia: a randomised placebo controlled trial.
Gordon JN, Trebble TM, Ellis RD, Duncan HD, Johns T, Goggin PM.
Mailpoint 813, Level E, South Block, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK. j.gordon@soton.ac.uk.

BACKGROUND: Proinflammatory cytokines, especially tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), play a prominent role in the pathogenesis of cancer cachexia. Thalidomide, which is an inhibitor of TNF-alpha synthesis, may represent a novel and rational approach to the treatment of cancer cachexia. AIMS: To assess the safety and efficacy of thalidomide in attenuating weight loss in patients with cachexia secondary to advanced pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Fifty patients with advanced pancreatic cancer who had lost at least 10% of their body weight were randomised to receive thalidomide 200 mg daily or placebo for 24 weeks in a single centre, double blind, randomised controlled trial. The primary outcome was change in weight and nutritional status. RESULTS: Thirty three patients (16 control, 17 thalidomide) were evaluated at four weeks, and 20 patients (eight control, 12 thalidomide) at eight weeks. At four weeks, patients who received thalidomide had gained on average 0.37 kg in weight and 1.0 cm(3) in arm muscle mass (AMA) compared with a loss of 2.21 kg (absolute difference -2.59 kg (95% confidence interval (CI) -4.3 to -0.8); p = 0.005) and 4.46 cm(3) (absolute difference -5.6 cm(3) (95% CI -8.9 to -2.2); p = 0.002) in the placebo group. At eight weeks, patients in the thalidomide group had lost 0.06 kg in weight and 0.5 cm(3) in AMA compared with a loss of 3.62 kg (absolute difference -3.57 kg (95% CI -6.8 to -0.3); p = 0.034) and 8.4 cm(3) (absolute difference -7.9 cm(3) (95% CI -14.0 to -1.8); p = 0.014) in the placebo group. Improvement in physical functioning correlated positively with weight gain (r = 0.56, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Thalidomide was well tolerated and effective at attenuating loss of weight and lean body mass in patients with cachexia due to advanced pancreatic cancer.
